Rendering 3D maps on the web using opesource javascript library Cesium

This is a simple 3D viewer using the Cesium javascript library. The example code can be found here. Click on question-mark symbol on upper right side corner to get more information about traversing in 3D space

Thats all for now!

Linked List in C++

Linked list is a type linear data structure, in which  the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations like array. Each element is linked using pointers as shown in the image:

Jupyter Notebook with Google Colab

Jupyter notebook is an open-source web application which allows us to create and share codes and documents. It provides an environment, where we can document our code, run it, look at the outcome, visualize data and see the results without leaving the environment. This makes it a handy tool for performing end to end data science workflows – data cleaning, statistical modeling, building and training machine learning models, visualizing data, and many, many other uses.

Shallow Copy Constructor Vs Deep Copy Constructor

Copy Constructor 
It is a type of constructor which is used to create a copy of an already existing object. A copy constructor is a member function which initialises an object using another object of the same class.To implement this in coding we define a member function class which initialises an object using another object of the same class. The function prototype for copy constructor is as below:
ClassName (const ClassName &existing_obj);

Rendering 3D maps on the web using opesource javascript library Cesium

This is a simple 3D viewer using the Cesium javascript library. The example code can be found here . Click on question-mark symbol on upp...